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Abdominal wall is constructed of fascia and muscle. Fascia is a tough multilayered tissue that envelops the muscle (Fig.1). Abdominal hernia is a defect in the abdominal wall that allows protrusion of the contents of the abdomen (Fig.2). There are several risk factors for this condition that we call "an eventration disease" - the fibers of the abdominal fascia are weakened by hereditary conditions, extra weight, smoking, lack of exercise, previous surgeries.
In general, hernia is an unremitting, progressive condition. Defect in the fascia will continue to enlarge. With time, the presence of hernia will lead to discomfort and pain. It may lead to permanent protrusion of internal organs (encarceration) that may lead to life threatening irreparable damage (strangulation) (Fig.3) (Fig.4). With several notable exceptions, all hernias should be considered for repair.