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We offer both laparoscopic and open repair. We offer retro rectus (Rives-Stoppa) repair as it is considered the gold-standard repair by the American Society of Hernia. We believe that midline rectus muscle approximation is essential in reducing the chance of hernia coming back. Abdominal wall reconstruction provides the best functional outcome long term. This may require laparascopically assisted External Oblique Component Release or, in some cases, Posterior Component Release to allow approximation of contracted layers of the abdominal wall (Fig.6).
These are complex operations that require attention, skill, experience, and understanding on the part of both the patient and surgeon.
There are important side effects to consider, including pain, infection, and injury to internal organs. All repairs require extensive postoperative abdominal wall rehabilitation process. These issues deserve thorough consideration and we encourage our patients to have an honest and intelligent discussion about the benefits and risk of the repair.
We work in close partnership with experienced medical and critical care specialists to ensure the best possible outcome in hernia repair.